Ronald Ellis, PhD, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer , NasVax Inc
Yaakov Naparstek, MA, CSO & Founder , Hadassah University Hospital, ProtAb
Elisha Rabinovitz, PhD, Chief Scientist , Given Imaging
Kinneret Savitsky, PhD, General Manager , Bioline Innovations Jerusalem
"Israel's biomedical industry has reached a level of maturity that has led to greater opportunities to fuel a steady stream of new and unique therapeutic technologies. Israel is ranked as a world leader in approved biomedical patents, is among the three leading countries in the medical device arena, has the highest civilian R&D budget/GDP and is fourth in the world in investments in biotechnology/GDP. Speakers in this session will present innovative technologies based on academic excellence, applied interdisciplinary research and their translation into practical commercial applications to improve human health."
Objective1:Explore Israeli entrepreneurship and the potential of its technology for addressing the global R&D productivity gap.
Objective2:Demonstrate how academic excellence, applied interdisciplinary research and R&D frameworks strengthen and accelerate clinical research.
Objective3:Highlight incentives for investment and partnering activities to fuel a steady stream of new and unique therapeutic technologies.