Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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The Future of Indian Biotechnology Industry
Track : International Case Studies
Program Code: 913
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM  EST
Location: 25A
Hari Bhartia, Co- Chairman & Managing Director , Jubilant Organosys Ltd.
Ramesh Adige, Executive Director - Corporate Affairs & Global Corporate Communications , Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd.
Rashmi Barbhaiya, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director , Advinus Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd.
Pradip Kumar Bhatnagar, Senior Vice President , Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd.
Swati Piramal, Director-Strategic Alliances & Communications , Nicholas Piramal India Ltd.
"A convergence of enabling factors such as skilled human resources, active government support and increased investment—both public and private—have imparted dynamism to the biotech sector, leading to new companies being registered, larger product pipelines, increased patent
filings and several product launches. The current market size of Indian biotech sector is US $2 billion, which is expected to reach the US $5 billion by 2010. The Indian industry is set to become the hub for work in stem cell research, genomics, bioinformatics, transgenic crops, biogenerics and biomanufacturing, and contract research and clinical services."

Objective1:Showcase the Indian biotech industry as the destination for qualitative and cost-effective research.

Objective2:Discuss the latest happenings, industry statistics and coming trends in the Indian life sciences industry.

Objective3:Provide opportunities for developing win-win alliances between international and Indian biotech companies.

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(Code: 913)
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