Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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Biotech Crops in Centers of Origin: The Case of Corn and Mexico
Track : Food and Agriculture
Program Code: 1022
Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008
Time: 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM  EST
Location: 30B
Efraín García Bello, President , CNPAMM
Jesús Madrazo, LatinAmerica North Business Lead , Monsanto Company
Ariel Alvarez, President , CIBIOGEM
Carlos Salazar, Secretary General , CNPAMM
Victor Villalobos, International Affairs Coordinator , SAGARPA
"Centers of origin are frequently areas with many smallholders. Smallholders in these areas often practice traditional farming methods and help conserve native species; however, there is a need to create more opportunities that support their farmers. In areas where modern agriculture is being practiced, biotech crops also help growers. professional growers can also contribute to improving the quality of life in center of origin communities through identifying value opportunities for these native germplasms. In Mexico, Monsanto and the Mexican Confederation of Corn Peasants (CNPamM) are working together to create this value for both professional growers and smallholders. CNPamM is part of CNC, the National Confederation of Mexican Peasants, with more than 2 million

Objective1:"Explain the project implementation and its value.

Objective2:Establishing networking opportunities.

Objective3:Bring this project to the attention of international media.

Streaming Audio with
PowerPoint Slides
(Code: 1022)
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