Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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Managing the Minefield of Collaborations and Taxation
Track : Finance
Program Code: 925
Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008
Time: 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM  EST
Location: 25BC
Lynne Sullivan, Vice President, Tax , EMD Serono, Inc
Joe Andrus, Partner, Transfer Pricing , PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Bruce Bouchard, Partner and Director, Life Sciences , Ernst & Young, LLP
Joseph Mauthe, Partner, National Tax Industry Leader, Health Sciences & Government , Deloitte Tax LLP
"One of the most challenging aspects of managing a bio/pharma collaboration is navigating your way through the minefield that is taxation. No matter the size of the companies involved, a number of scenarios and issues need some serious TLC, such as: foreign and U.S. partnerships implications; the impact on R&D credit eligibility; Permanent Establishment issues; withholding tax issues; and tax accounting for income and deductions. This session will address the potential taxation trouble areas that are a natural part of any bio/pharma collaboration and assess the best way to ensure that of all the problems a collaboration might have, tax is not one of them."

Objective1:Review the tax issues that bio/pharma companies face.

Objective2:Provide plain English solutions to CEOs and CFOs.

Objective3:Review examples of real-life tax issues and key lessons learned.

Streaming Audio with
PowerPoint Slides
(Code: 925)
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