Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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The Value of Acedia: A Case Study of Ethics and Industry Decision Making
Track : Bioethics
Program Code: 1555
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Time: 10:15 AM to 11:45 AM  EST
Location: 25A
Charles Nesson, Weld Professor of Law , Harvard Law School
Gary Cohen, Visiting Professor, Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences
Ron Grabb, USAF, Patient Advocate
Steven Holtzman, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer , Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
David Kabakoff, Executive In Residence , Sofinnova Ventures
"The biotech industry is at the vortex of two competing ethical principles: the obligation to develop innovative products to treat disease and society's responsibility to ensure that people have access to the medicines they need. Elected officials, bioethicists, the public and industry executives and researchers all struggle attempting to balance these concerns. The BIO
Board Bioethics Committee has launched an initiative to explore the ethical principles surrounding debates about access to innovative therapies. This case study provides an
opportunity to discuss these issues within the context of a fictional scenario similar to one faced by biotech companies. Participants will play the role of various stakeholders, including senior executives from a biotech company, a payer, a venture capitalist, a bioethicist and a patient advocate. A moderator will facilitate the discussion."

Objective1: Identify the top three challenges of this issue from the view of industry, patient advocacy and medical research.

Objective2: "Explore how these differing agendas intersect, using actual examples of successfully (or not) managing patient expectations—and lessons learned."

Objective3: View the issue's long-range impact on the drug development process and reputation assigned to industry through a bioethicist's lens, and consider the issue's value as academic research topic.

Streaming Audio with
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(Code: 1555)
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