Michael Dugan, MD, National Medical Director , Genzyme Corporation
Peter Klemm, CEO , Predictive Biosciences, Inc.
Michael Nerenberg, Medical Director/VP Medical Affairs , Genoptix, Inc
Steven Shak, MD, Chief Medical Officer , Genomic Health, Inc
"Next-generation molecular diagnostics represent a rapidly growing field with transformative potential for cancer management and medical practice. Possible clinical
applications range from screening of asymptomatic individuals to predicting the risk of recurrence or response to therapy to surveillance of cancer survivors for recurrence. The panel will discuss models for integrating new cancer biomarkers into clinical practice."
Objective1: Identify challenges in integrating new cancer diagnostics into clinical practice.
Objective2: Share successful approaches to validating clinically useful molecular diagnostic assays.
Objective3: Encourage the diagnostics industry to actively involve patients and physicians in the development of next-generation oncology diagnostic assays.