Alexandre Custaud, Coordinator of European Industry’s Task Force on Bioterrorism, EuropaBio (The European Association for Bioindustries)
Barry Kellman, Director of the International Weapons Control Center , DePaul University
Jan-Peter Paul, Adviser to the Deputy Director General , DG SANCO, European Commission
"The European Commission Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security (JLS) and Directorate General Health
and Consumer Protection (SANCO) developed a joint green paper on biopreparedness to meet the threat of bioterrorism, infectious diseases and food defense. The paper focuses on ways to set up European networks of bio-expertise and rapid-alert technologies, cross-border training and common standards of certification/authorization for researchers who work with dangerous bio-agents. In the future, the European approach to bio-preparedness could be based on three strands
of work: prevention and protection; surveillance and detection; and response and recovery."
Objective1: Outline how we can strengthen transatlantic cooperation between Europe and the United States.
Objective2: Promote scientific exchange and efficient collaboration between industry, academia and governments.
Objective3: Discuss how to develop mechanisms for international sharing of medical countermeasures.