Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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Managing Partnerships for Success
Track : Business Development
Program Code: 644
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Time: 8:15 AM to 9:45 AM  EST
Location: 33ABC
Allan Jarvis, PhD, Senior Vice President , sanofi pasteur
Kimberly Brue, MBA, MS, Director, Alliance Management , sanofi pasteur
Kevin Driscoll, PhD, Director, Global New Business & Technology Development , The Procter & Gamble Company
Kendra Eager, PhD, Assistant Vice President, Licensing , Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Andrew Eibling, Alliance Manager , Eli Lilly & Company
Ashraf Hanna, PhD, VP, Alliance Management & Portfolio Planning , Genentech, Inc
"This session will focus on one of the often overlooked success components of partnerships: managing the relationship between the partners. With today's heavy emphasis on partnerships as the primary vehicle for developing products/technologies, the management of the people side of the equation is becoming more and more important. As different companies have developed/adopted different processes to address this issue, this session will confirm the importance of managing relationships and will compare and contrast ways of accomplishing this."

Objective1: Clearly demonstrate the need for managing the relationship between partner companies.

Objective2: Present several Alliance Management processes currently in use that provide successful management of partner relationships.

Objective3: Compare and contrast benefits of different processes, noting differences that exist between the needs, cultures, operations and expectations of partner companies.

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(Code: 644)
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