Joshua Boger, PhD, President & CEO , Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Russell "Rusty" Bromley, Chief Operating Officer , Myelin Repair Foundation
Lori Kunkel, MD, Chief Medical Officer , Proteolix, Inc
Louise Perkins, PhD, Director of Research , Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
"The HHS Healthy People 2010 goal for adolescent immunization rates of 90 percent is far from being reached. Hear what public health and industry experts are saying about the best ways to increase these immunization rates and what steps we need to take to overcome hurdles. Learn about the new adolescent recommendations and how we can raise awareness among health-care providers and the general public to achieve our goals."
Objective 1: Understand the challenges in achieving the HHS Healthy People 2010 goals for immunization coverage.
Objective 2: Determine how to raise awareness of new immunization recommendations for adolescents.
Objective 3: Increase immunization rates among adolescents.