2006 Midyear Clinical Meeting
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Strategies for a High-Performing Pharmacy in the Next Decade
Program Code: 210-L04
Date: Monday, December 4, 2006
Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
210B (CC)
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Rafael Saenz – I am an Operations Manager with the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. I am a fairly new practitioner who underwent formal management training and has developed my own staff to take on leadership roles in the department. I understand the delta between formal management training and traditional matriculation into management roles in our profession. Having to mentor, coach and train new managers has given me a solid understanding of what is required to be successful in pharmacy management. Additionally, I co-founded the UPMC 2 year combined Masters/ Practice Management Residency Program through which new practitioners (primarily) are provided with formal management training.
Lance L. Swearingen, M.S., R.Ph., Pharmacy Manager, Mercy & Unity Hospitals, Department of Pharmacy, Fridley, MN
Michael F. Powell, M.S., B.S., Director, Pharmaceutical and Nutrition Care, The Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
Justification of an Emergency Department-Based Pharmaceutical Care Practice
Dr. Rita Shane
Strategies for Achieving a High-Performance Pharmacy Department
Ronald H. Small, R.Ph., M.B.A., FASHP, Vice President, Quality Outcomes and Chief Pharmacy Officer, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Elevating the High-Performance Pharmacy on the Organizational Chart: The Evolving Role of the Chief Pharmacy Officer
Thomas S. Thielke, M.S., R.Ph., FASHP, Vice President, Professional and Support Services, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison
Health-System Opportunities in the Next Decade
Carrie D. Thomas, Pharm.D., CDE, Clinical Pharmacist Specialist, Grady Health System, Department of Pharmacy and Drug Information, Atlanta, GA
Solving the Puzzle: Effective Implementation of Outpatient Clinical Pharmacy Services
Learning Objectives:
Analyze the changing workforce and financial environment of healthcare over the next decade that will provide opportunity for the development of new pharmacy services. Design a strategy to move health-system pharmacy practice into roles that will advance the profession (e.g., use of pharmacy technicians, influencing your boss, or health-system administrators). Evaluate the strategies utilized by high-performing pharmacy departments to advance pharmacy practice and assess how they could be utilized in your organization. Compose a business case for your pharmacy to achieve the resources needed to expand pharmacy practice (e.g., ROI, technology, medication errors, customer service, health-system administrators).