Barbara is a pharmacist with over 20 years of hospital experience in both teaching and non-teaching environments. She has a BS in Pharmacy from the University of Connecticut, MBA from Widener University and PharmD from the University of Colorado. Barbara completed an ASHP residency and attended the Leadership Institute. Currently Barbara is the Director of Pharmacy in a 302 licensed bed community hospital in Southern New Jersey. Barbara has installed multiple pharmacy information systems and automation in a variety of hospital settings in order to efficiently manage inventory and free up pharmacist for clinical activities in the patient care areas.
Pieter Helmons
Susan Kleppin
Benjamin Laird
Joseph Lassiter
Phuoc Lynsey Le
Barry McClain
Bao Nguyen
David Seki
Michelle Thoma
Wyndie Tse
Theresa Waxlax
Susan Kleppin
Compare various pharmacy informatics initiatives and how they improve the medication-use system.
Describe one way a hospital has made better use of its clinical information system and how it may be implemented in your hospital.
Identify how pharmacy informatics programs can be utilized in your hospital system to improve patient care.