2012 Summer Meeting
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Management Case Studies C: Informatics, Part 2
Education Sessions (CE)
Program Code: 141-L04
Date: Monday, June 11, 2012
Time: 4:40 PM to 5:10 PM EST
321, Level 300
Dr. Lee Fiebert, PharmD, BCPS, Medication Safety Specialist, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System
Marianne Ivey, PharmD, MPH, Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati
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Brian Esuchanko,
SM12 BDE PR Degrees, SM12 BDE PR Position,
SM12 BDE PR Employer
Development of a Single Smart Pump Drug Library for a Large Health System
- Describe a process for the development of a single, system wide, smart IV infusion pump drug library.
- Describe the need for an interdisciplinary group with system-wide representation to be included in the review and creation of a single drug library.
- Describe the potential unanticipated benefits of developing a single system-wide drug library.