ASHE 50th Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition 2013
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Developing an Effective Business Plan — An Interactive Workshop
Program Code:
Monday, July 22, 2013
3:15 PM to 4:30 PM
George A. Smith,
SASHE, CHFM, Vice President Supply Chain/CE and Facility Management,
Catholic Health Initiatives
Skip has been has been with Catholic Health Initatives since 2001. In his role as Vice President Skip is responsible for the development and ongoing leadership of the CHI Physical Asset Services Group including CHI's Medical Equipment Planners, Clinical Engineering, Facilities Management, Construction, Sustainability and Real Estate portfolio management. Additional responsibilities include national and regional sourcing of supplies and resources, identification of best practices, development of CHI's energy management strategic plan, Joint Commission compliance with the Joint Commission's Environment of Care Standards, CMS Life Safety Compliance, co-chairs the CHI Facility Development Committee.
Skip has over 20 years of experience in healthcare facility management. He received his degree from The Ohio State University, is a Certified Healthcare Facility Manager and has earned the designation of Senior from the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE). Skip is ASHE's Immediate Past-President.
Often times, departments within a health care organization compete for funding – leaving health care facility departments struggling to gain approval for projects and equipment. In order to gain the edge, it is important to arm health care executives and leaders with sound information so they are able to make smart financial decisions. This interactive session will teach you how to develop a quality business plan and how to use as a successful tool for communicating a need for funding. This session will enable you to:
Create a thorough, yet concise, business plan.
Develop a short, effective executive summary.
Describe eight elements of an effective business plan.
List key information that catches the attention of health care executives which helps them make a business decision in your favor.