Session Information
ASHE 50th Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition 2013
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Qualifications of Inspecting Life Safety Features
Track : Delivering Value
Program Code: 290
Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Time: 3:15 PM to 4:30 PM  EST
Location: GWCC, C206
 Frank Van Overmeiren, President, FP&C Consultants, Inc.
The health care field and its need for complex buildings experience some of the highest demand for fire and life safety features and systems. To manage cost and reduce patient care disruption, most facilities conduct some level of inspection, testing, and maintenance with in-house personnel. This session will explore the wide array of requirements for the qualification of both testing and service personnel. This session will enable you to:

Identify the various requirements of both service and testing personnel for different systems of features.
Understand the best practices and required training for both in-house personnel and outside contractors to conduct service or testing.
Identify training resources to qualify in-house personnel to conduct service or testing.
Establish continuing education and training policies to maintain qualifications.

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