Session Information
ASHE 2012 International Conference and Exhibition on Health Facility Planning Design and Construction
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Closing Plenary: Bridging the Gap
Track : Plenary
Program Code: 288392
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Time: 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM  EST
Location: Rm 301: PCC West Bldg
PRIMARY SPEAKER :   Click the plus sign to see more detailed information about each speaker.
 Ian Morrison, PhD, Author, Consultant, and Futurist, 1635 Bay Laurel Drive/ Menlo Park, CA 94025
Conference moderator Ian Morrison will pull together key messages presented during the 2012 PDC Summit during the closing session. This session will enable you to:

● Explain insights from the plenary and concurrent sessions in terms of practical messages that can be incorporated into your next project.
● Describe practical means for improving collaboration among health care facility project teams.