Session Information
ASHE 2012 International Conference and Exhibition on Health Facility Planning Design and Construction
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Meeting Your Energy Efficiency Goals—Part 2
Track : Health Facility Commissioning
Program Code: 272495
Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM  EST
Location: Rm 213: PCC West Bldg
PRIMARY SPEAKER :   Click the plus sign to see more detailed information about each speaker.
 Ed Tinsley, PE, LEED AP, HFDP, CHFM, Executive Managing Principal, TME, Inc.
CO-SPEAKER :   Click the plus sign to see more detailed information about each speaker.
 John Hayes, CEM, Founder/CEO, Hayes Energy Services
This is the second of two sessions covering the ASHE recommended health facility commissioning practices. This session will cover the activities recommended to facilitate the transition from construction to the occupancy and postoccupancy project phases. Topics will include operations and maintenance (O&M) dashboards, maintenance staff training, control system trends, postoccupancy testing, and measurement and verification of actual energy performance. This session will enable you to:

● Explain how to establish and use O&M dashboards, including how to recognize and interpret trends in equipment performance, system performance, and overall energy performance.
● Describe the ASHE recommended process for measuring and verifying actual energy performance, including setting the baseline; establishing linear regression models based on cooling degree days and heating degree days; using energy metering, and generating energy efficiency reports (daily, monthly, and annual).
● Describe the key features of the ASHE recommended training for O&M staff and how they support sustainable energy-efficient performance of new building systems equipment in the long term.
● Discuss the ASHE recommended process for postoccupancy testing of equipment and system performance.

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