Pitching In...How Maintenance Can Help Prevent Infections
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Program Code:
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
9:15 AM to 10:30 AM
WSCC: Room 615-617
Gordon Burrill, P.Eng., FASHE, CHFM, CHC, President, Teegor Consulting Inc.
Gordon D. Burrill, P.Eng., FASHE, CHFM, CHC is President of Teegor Consulting Inc., an international consulting firm specializing in healthcare engineering and construction. He spent 13 years as a design engineer, followed by 7 years as the Director of the Engineering for a New Brunswick Health Authority in Canada before branching out to Teegor Consulting Inc. in August of 2004. He is a Registered Professional Engineer with 25 years experience in the design, construction, operations and maintenance of healthcare facilities. He is member of Standing Committee on Building and Plumbing Systems to the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes, a member of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, a member of the National Fire Protection Associations Health Care Section, a former Council Member of the International Federation for Hospital Engineers and Past President of the Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society. Gordon is currently the vice-chair of the Canadian Standards Associations Technical Committee for Health Care Facility Engineering and Physical Plant, chair of their Technical Subcommittee for Infection Control during Construction, Renovation or Maintenance of Health Care Facilities and vice-chair of their Technical Subcommittee for Design and Construction of Canadian Healthcare Facilities.
Leo T. Old, MS, PE, CSP, CIH, CHFM, CHC, SASHE, Senior Project Manager, EnSafe, Inc.
Leo has over 18 years of experience in working with healthcare institutions on issues related to occupational safety and health and regulatory compliance. Leo obtained his Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Christian Brothers University in 1993 and his Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Memphis in 2002. Leo is a registered fire protection engineer, certified safety professional, certified industrial hygienist, certified healthcare facility manager, and certified healthcare constructor. Leo served as General Safety Officer and Industrial Hygiene Officer for 9 years at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (SJCRH) in Memphis, TN, where he was responsible for fire safety, emergency preparedness, hazardous materials, industrial hygiene and indoor air quality. Leo currently serves as a Senior Project Manager for EnSafe, a professional services company providing engineering, environmental, health & safety, and information technology services to industry and government clients. Leo also serves as an ASHE Faculty Member and the Executive Column Editor for the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.
Maintenance departments have a very significant impact on infection prevention within a health care organization. Their actions and the systems they maintain are critical components of larger infection prevention efforts within health care organizations. Maintenance personnel should fully understand the influence their work has on overall infection prevention efforts and understand that it is critical that the infection prevention-related features of air-handling systems (including filtration, pressurization, and ventilation) be maintained properly. This session will enable you to:
* Identify maintenance processes that promote infection prevention. * Identify important infection prevention tools every facility manager should have.