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Paul Marmion, Managing Principal, Buildings Engineering,
Paul Marmion has been active in the field of heating, ventilating and air conditioning and sustainable design since 1964. In 1975, Paul joined DW Thomson Consultants (DWT) as a Design Engineer. He soon became a shareholder and principal, at which time he was made responsible for the HVAC design of all research building commissions. He used various low energy and environmentally sensitive "state of the art" mechanical design solutions. Following the acquisition of DWT by Stantec Consulting Ltd. in 1997, Paul assumed the position of Managing Principal responsible for the Vancouver office Buildings Engineering group. Paul was involved in the writing of the National Energy Code of Canada, and is very familiar with Provincial/Federal Government and BC Hydro initiative programs. Paul specializes in sustainable design solutions and is a leader in the industry on cost effective solutions to reduce life cycle costs. He has won numerous awards and written several papers on sustainable design.
Dr. Qingyan (Yan) Chen is a professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University and a
Principal Director of the National Air Transportation Center of Excellence for Research in the
Intermodal Transport Environment (RITE), a center consisting of seven universities
sponsored mainly by the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States. He also
serves as the fifth Editor-in-Chief of Building and Environment, the international journal of
building science and its application, published by Elsevier since 1965.
Dr. Chen earned his B.Eng. in 1983 from Tsinghua University in China and M.Eng. in 1985
and Ph.D. in 1988 from the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands. He
conducted his post-doctoral research as a Research Scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH-Zurich) and worked as a Project Manager for TNO in the Netherlands.
Before he joined Purdue University, he was a faculty member at TU Delft and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Chen has many other parallel appointments in his career, such as Otto Monsted Visiting
Professor at the Technical University of Denmark, Professorial Fellow at the Cardiff
University in the UK, Changjiang Chair Professor at the Tianjin University in China, part-time
professor at the Harbin Institute of Technology in China, Research Fellow at the Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Visiting Professor at the Helsinki University of Technology in Finland,
Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University in China, and Guest Professor at the Southeast
University in China. In addition, he has co-supervised Ph.D. students from the Eindhoven
University of Technology in the Netherlands, the University of Cagliari in Italy, and the
Queensland University of Technology in Australia. Chen is also a Director and Partner of the
Boston International Design Group, an architectural design firm, and a Partner of Building
Energy and Environment Engineering LLP, a consulting company.
Dr. Chen has been working in the thermo-fluid aspect of mechanical engineering. He is
actively involved in the fundamental research in turbulent flow and heat transfer and its
applications in the HVAC industry. Dr. Chen's current research topics include indoor
environment, aircraft cabin environment, and energy-efficient, healthy, and sustainable
building design and analysis. He has published two books and over 200 journal and
conference papers, and has been invited to deliver more than 80 lectures internationally.
In recent years, Chen has received several technical paper and poster awards and
Distinguished and Exceptional Service Awards from the ASHRAE. He is a recipient of the
CAREER award from the National Science Foundation in the United States. Dr. Chen has also
received the Willis J. Whitfield Award "for significant contributions to the field of
contamination control through numerous published papers, studies, and reports" from the
Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. He is a fellow of the ASHRAE and the
International Society of Indoor Air Quality. Before he became the Editor-in-Chief of the
Building and Environment journal, he served as an associate editor of the HVAC&R Research
journal and was a member on the editorial boards of six other journals.
Weiran Xu, Application Engineering Consultant,
Mentor Graphics
Weiran Xu obtained his BS and MS in Engineering Mechanics at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and his Ph.D from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA in 1998. His MS thesis involved the development of a non-Newtonian fluid CFD model for prediction of liquid flow on top of a well drill bit. His Ph.D thesis was on development of turbulence models for indoor airflow applications. He has directly worked with customers from industrial leaders such as 3Com, Intel, HP, Nortel, Cisco, NIH and Georgia Pacific etc. to resolve their critical thermal-fluid related issues. He is currently Support Manager at Mentor Graphics Corporation, Mechanical Analysis Division (US).
Dr.Xu received Leon Hyzen excellent Ph.D student award from MIT in 1997 and U.S. Public Health Service Engineering Literary Research Award for outstanding contributions in public health engineering and science for Co-authoring paper entitled "Analysis of Efficacy of UVGI Inactivation of Airborne Organisms Using Eulerian and Lagrangian Approaches" in 2006.
Healthcare facilities are one of the most difficult of building types to "green" for a number of reasons. First, they are regulated more heavily that any other building type. Second, they house the most vulnerable of us. Finally, hospital administrators must allocate their resources to support their primary mission, and not to distractions like investments in solar photovoltaics.
With a guiding principal of saving energy while improving patient and staff safety and comfort, Mazzetti and Associates explored sustainable strategies on a Kaiser hospital project. One application that surface with great promise was displacement ventilation in patient rooms. However, the obvious question was how would it address infection control.
Traditional ventilation mixes room air from an overhead supply diffuser, creating a homogenous environment throughout the entire room. Displacement ventilation supplies cool air low at a low velocity, allowing it to pool across the floor. As the air picks up heat, it rises due to convection in a vertical temperature gradient, ideally in a laminar piston effect. The goal of displacement ventilation is to condition only the occupied volume and carry contaminants directly up out of the occupied zone without mixing them. Low sidewall displacement ventilation was chosen over raised floor displacement for healthcare, due to cleanliness concerns. The presumed benefit of displacement ventilation was equal or better environmental comfort and ventilation effectiveness at lower air exchange rates. There was optimism that it might also have benefits for the control of airborne infectious particles. A hypothesis was created that low sidewall displacement ventilation at lower air exchange rates would be equal to or better than overhead mixing ventilation for environmental comfort, ventilation effectiveness and airborne particle control. If the hypothesis proved to be true, the energy savings and economic benefits would be dramatic
A research study was initiated to test the hypothesis; and at the same time Mazzetti & Associates became aware that Stantec, an Architectural/Engineering firm in Vancouver BC, was planning similar research. The two firms agreed to collaborate on the research and share their findings publicly.
Research included testing within laboratory mockups, field testing and computational fluid dynamics analysis. Testing focused on environmental comfort per ASHRAE Standard 55, ventilation effectiveness per ASHRAE Standard 62, and particle dispersion per a test designed by Andrew Streifel. This research indicated that displacement ventilation at 4 air changes per hour provides better particle control, ventilation effectiveness and thermal comfort than overhead ventilation at 6 air changes per hour.
Concurrent energy modeling compared overhead system versus displacement ventilation for five climatic zones and four different exposures. Savings — as expected - were dramatic. Preliminary construction cost estimating also confirmed reduced construction costs for displacement ventilation due to lower air flow rates.
Initial research demonstrated the promise of displacement ventilation, but was not rigorous enough to be accepted by organizations and agencies that govern the design of healthcare facilities. So, a more rigorous, independent Phase of research was initiated.
Displacement ventilation research - now in progress - consists of two independent blind components: numerical analysis and empirical analysis. The highly qualified researchers selected are Dr. Qianyan Chen; Purdue University for empirical testing; and Dr. Andrew Manning, Flomerics for numerical testing.
Design Application
Mazzetti and Stantec participated in the research efforts, gaining valuable insight into design considerations. Issues relating to location of supply and exhaust diffusers, and integrated versus independent heating and cooling are much better understood through the research efforts
The panel of researchers and engineers will discuss what was learned and how it is best be applied to improve the patient room environment while reducing construction cost and reducing energy consumption.
assess displacement ventilation costs and savings
assess ventilation infection control metrics
evaluate displacement ventilation design practices
identify displacement ventilation