Use of Amateur Radio by Hospitals during Emergency Operations
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Program Code:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
1:45 PM to 3:00 PM
Potomac 1-3
Paul Richter, MA, FASHE, CHSP, CHEP, SC Hospital Emergency Management Coordinator, VW International, Inc.
Mr. Richter has been Regional Director for VW International, Inc. since he joined the firm in 2000. He has more than 25 years of medical facilities experience in hospital administration and health care design and construction. He is a recognized expert in hospital emergency management and bioterrorism preparedness. He has authored five American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) monographs and many articles for various journals. Paul serves as an adjunct instructor with Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas A&M University. Prior to joining VW International, Mr. Richter was Risk Management Coordinator for Support Services with the South Carolina Hospital Association where he continues to work as a consultant serving 92 hospitals and healthcare organizations
Jane V.E. Richter,, DrPH, RN, CHES, Director and Co-investigator, Univ of S. Carolina Center for Public Health Preparedness
Jane Richter is the Director of the University of South Carolina Center for Public Health Preparedness. She is an adjunct instructor for the National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center and serves on the South Carolina 1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team.
Communications are vital during emergency operations. South Carolina hospitals are forming a communications network utilizing amateur radio as a reliable redundant communications device. Collaboration among many state agencies is making this happen ahead of schedule. This session will provide details how other states can develop similar networks. This session enables attendees to: - State the importance of accessing reliable redundant communication systems during emergency operations and exercising them regularly - List potential partners from diverse state and local agencies that can be tapped to assist with the development of system infrastructure - Describe the issues that must be addressed in order for amateur radio operators to seamlessly provide support for your facility.