ASHE 2012 45th Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition
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ASHE E2C Initiative: First Step Tutorial
Program Code:
Monday, July 21, 2008
3:15 PM to 4:30 PM
Jean Hand leads program support efforts to EPA's ENERGY STAR Healthcare sector. She supports partners with a wide-range of initiatives designed to generate energy performance improvements. As such, she collaborates with ENERGY STAR partners in projects ranging from establishing a written energy management plan, to planning and implementing benchmarking initiatives, to arranging recognition events. Jean received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Virginia.
Erin Richmond supports EPA's ENERGY STAR Program by assisting healthcare partners in implementing strategic energy management initiatives that are designed to improve energy performance. She provides outreach and marketing, technical benchmarking, research and program support. Ms. Richmond received both her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Policy and Planning and a Masters in Environmental Management from Virginia Tech.
This session is for those interested in joining ASHE's Energy Efficient Commitment (E2C) initiative. After a demonstration of EPA's free, online Portfolio Manager, instructors will help attendees set up an account and input basic hospital characteristics and data to receive an energy performance rating. Attendees are encouraged to bring 12 months of energy data and the aggregate square footage for the hospital campus (excluding parking). Sample data will be also available. This session enables attendees to:
- Join ASHE's Energy Efficiency Commitment Initiative
- Set goals and compare performance to the national average
- Receive assistance in benchmarking their facility
- Learn about recognition opportunities from ASHE and the EPA for improved energy performance