2008 International Conference and Exhibition
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Research/Think Tank: We've Converted to Critical Access — Now, What About Our Buildings?
Program Code:
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
1:45 PM to 3:00 PM
Scott Corbin,
AIA, Vice President/Principal,
Hart Freeland Roberts, Inc. Kansas City, MO
Mr. Corbin is an 1973 graduate of the College of Architecture and Urban Studies at Virginia Tech. He is a member of AIA and the Academy of Architecture for Healthcare and has been designing hospitals for 35 years.
James G. Easter, Jr.,
FAAMA, Vice President, Director of Planning,
Hart Freeland and Roberts, Brentwood, TN
Mr. Easter is a principle of Hart Freeland & Roberts Design in Nashville, TN and Director of Healthcare Planning and Programming. He is a graduate of Virginia Tech and has been active in the AIA Academy for over 20 years. This is his 12th ASHE speaking event…. He's had lots of practice!
The facility master planning process usually moves through the decision making stages of "Do we renovate and/or build new?". Planners work through a step-by-step process from engineering and infrastructure analysis to trend assessment, projection of needs, and space programming. This session enables attendees to:
•Illustrate the step-by-step master planning process and pre-engineering methods.
•Discuss the pro's and con's of renovation vs. new construction.
•Assess features of site selection and the importance of Board and Community interface.