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   AABB Annual Meeting and TXPO 2006

 AABB Annual Meeting and TXPO 2006 | Annual Meeting Main

Karl Landsteiner Memorial Award and Lectureship: Component Therapy to Cellular Therapy and Beyond: A Dariwian Approach to Transfusion Medicine
Program Code: 5130-S
Sunday, October 22, 2006
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (ET)

Christopher Hillyer, MD, New York Blood Center

James D. Watson, PhD

The award winner, who is also a Nobel Laureate, will discuss his role and that of others in the discovery of the structure of DNA. He will also share his personal recommendations for young researchers who wish to enter the field of genetic research.

The Karl Landsteiner Memorial Award and Lectureship was initiated in 1954 to honor Karl Lansteiner, MD, whose lifetime research laid the foundation for modern transfusion therapy. The award recognizes original research rsulting in an important contribution to the body of scientific knowledge.


 AABB Annual Meeting and TXPO 2006 | Annual Meeting Main

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