Blood Doping in Sports
Program Code: 5119-S Sunday, October 22, 2006
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM (ET)
MODERATOR George Garratty, PhD, FRCPath, American Red Cross Blood Services
SPEAKERS Patricia Arndt, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB, American Red Cross Blood Services Larry Bowers, PhD, United States Anti-Doping Agency
Increasing red cell mass to give increased performance can be achieved by allowable high altitude training, but other illegal methods, such as the use of erythropoietin, transfusion (autologous and allogeneic), artificial oxygen carriers (hemoglobin, perfluorocarbons)have been used. A speaker from the US Anti-Doping Agency will discuss approaches to control this (e.g., laboratory tests). Another speaker will discuss the pros and cons of the recent (e.g., Olympics and Tour de France) application of flow cytometry to detect the presence of allogeneic transfused red cells.