Challenges in Donor Recruitment and Retention and International Woman In Transfusion Award Lectureship
Program Code: 428-TC Tuesday, October 18, 2005
2:00 PM to 5:30 PM (ET)
MODERATOR F. Enrique Alvarez, BS, MLS(ASCP)CM, CQA(ASQ), UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
SPEAKERS Elizabeth Vinelli, MD, MBA, MQ, Cruz Roja Hondureņa Marcela Contreras, MD FRCPath FRCPEdin FRCP FMedSCi DBE, Retired from the National Blood Service 28/02/07 Ravi Reddy, South African National Blood Services Qian Kai Cheng, Shanghai Blood Center
Donor recruitment and retention is a topic of global importance, but it requires an intrinsic knowledge of the perceptions and motivators of the potential donor. Basic requirements such as a steady flow of donors, building community support and donor education issues are common to all blood banks, but the individualities derived from geographical locations require customized approaches. This session will feature speakers from three continents who will address the challenges, cultural issues and creative approaches for the recruitment and retention of blood donors.