NAGC 58th Annual Convention & Exhibition
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2011 Early Leader Award: In Search of Under-Identified Students: Considering more than culture and poverty!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Marlborough B
Richard Cash, Director, Gifted Education, nRich Educational Consulting
Richard Cash, Director, Gifted Education, nRich Educational Consulting
Of significant concern in the field of gifted education is the under identification of students from culturally, linguistically and socio-economically diverse backgrounds. How do we open the doors to advanced programs to students who may not have demonstrated high levels of achievement in the general classroom? In many cases it has little to do with the students abilities and more to do with their lack of accumulated academic skills. These school-house skills, also known as self-regulation, include the abilities to goal-set, plan, organize, study and monitor the self. This session will help you directly focus instruction on self-regulation tools, which can have a considerable impact on student achievement and ultimately on diverse student inclusion in gifted/advanced programs.
No items are available for this session.