NAGC 58th Annual Convention & Exhibition
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A Focus on the Arts: Arts Integration and Arts Programming for Gifted Students
Saturday, November 5, 2011
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM
Bethany France
Karren Ryder
Kyle Wedberg, President/CEO
Patrick Widhalm, Executive Director, Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts
Bethany France
Karren Ryder
Kyle Wedberg, President/CEO
Patrick Widhalm, Executive Director, Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts
Attend this session to learn about the various ways that you can include the arts in your school's gifted programming. The state of Louisiana has a mandate for programming in the arts for students who are identified as gifted in the arts. The Talented Arts Program requires the development of curriculum for the visual arts and performance instruction for all Louisiana students. In this session, you will hear from several leading Louisiana educators about their arts programs and models. One incorporates the arts into a residential, state-supported school that also focuses on math and science. Others integrate the arts into elementary, middle, or high schools that serve primarily minority students or rural students. Another program is community-based and serves students in an urban area on a part-time basis. You’re sure to hear ideas to apply to your own program.
No items are available for this session.