NAGC 58th Annual Convention & Exhibition
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The DNA of Moral Compass in Careers of Gifted
Research and Evaluation
Saturday, November 5, 2011
11:45 AM to 12:30 PM
Grand Salon Section: 4
Marjorie Beisner, EdD, Professor/Consultant, Nova University
Marjorie Beisner, EdD, Professor/Consultant, Nova University
Karen Kimball, High Ability Consultant and Professor, Richmond Community Schools
Karen Kimball, High Ability Consultant and Professor, Richmond Community Schools
A longitudinal study of gifted students examines students studied from grades K-12 then followed throughout college into adulthood with an examination of how their education and talents were interwoven to produce their professions. Some students dropped out. Several earned numerous college credits while enrolled in high school. Many soared to Ph.D. degrees in Neuroscience, English, Psychology, Japanese, Business, and Spanish, while others joined Teach for America, became preeminent environmentalists, college professors, and United Nations field workers in Africa. What made them excel? How have they accomplished what they have? What role did education have in their development and productiveness as adults?
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