NAGC 58th Annual Convention & Exhibition
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Research on technology use in gifted education - What should teachers know ?
Computers and Technology
Friday, November 4, 2011
12:45 PM to 1:30 PM
Marlborough B
Anne Rinn, Assistant Professor, University of North Texas
Sita Periathiruvadi, Doctoral Student, University of North Texas
Anne Rinn, Assistant Professor, University of North Texas
Sita Periathiruvadi, Doctoral Student, University of North Texas
You know technology can benefit your students, but how do you start integrating technology in your instruction? Why not attend our crash course on gifted research literature and learn about the best practices for using technology in your classroom? The presentation will describe the research on technology in gifted education using the NAGC 2010 Programming standards as a back-drop. Participants will learn about using technology in six areas namely learning and development, ongoing assessments, differentiation of curriculum and instruction, different programming options such as tele-mentoring, different learning environments such as online social networks, and professional development in/with technology.
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