Bart Foreman founded Group 3 Marketing in 1988. Foreman has a diversified record of accomplishments with major packaged goods and marketing service firms. He holds an economics degree from The University of Michigan and an MBA from DePaul University. He is Vice-Chair of the DMA CRM Council.
Jim Liszewski, President, WMSG
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Robert Barbera, Director, Business Development Services, Kodak Graphic Communications Group
Robert Barbera is Director, Business Development Services for the Graphic Communications Group in United States and Canada of the Eastman Kodak Company. Barbera is responsible for strategic value added Kodak MarketMover business development services. He manages the field based business development team that supports existing and potential customers in developing and implementing their digital printing marketing and sales strategies.
Collecting data can be a daunting task. Learn some tricks that will allow you to focus on collecting, organizing and translating data for delivery systems, establishing feedback loops and delivering the right message to the right audience. Understand the process of developing and executing a successful micro-segmentation direct marketing program, including the new flexible delivery systems such as the one-to-one print communications.
You will learn: • How to collect the right data, organize it and effectively deliver it • How new print applications are changing the way we deliver marketing messages • How variable data containing only customer relevant information is key to increasing customer response rates