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Mark Taylor, Chief Marketing Technology Officer, Wunderman
"Mark Taylor is passionate about marketing with technology and the opportunities it presents now and for the future. He also understands that it requires meaningful collaboration to get these ideas off the ground. For 15 years, Mark has succeeded in getting the right people and tools together to unlock enormous potential for clients. Throughout his career he has consistently melded together companies, techniques and approaches to construct new and exciting ways of creating added value marketing solutions.
Mark is the architect of Wunderman's innovative Adaptive Marketing Engine and the author of Wunderman's After the Click(TM) strategic approach to online relationship marketing.
His focus is delivering technology-enabled marketing solutions to Wunderman's key clients, such as Ford, Microsoft and Citi Group. He is further responsible for marrying insights, metrics and optimization to the various delivery platforms at a global as well as local level.
Prior to this role, Mark served as CIO for Young & Rubicam and Wunderman. Before that he served as Director of Strategic Applications for EURO RSCG worldwide. At EURO, he was responsible for the development, management and execution of global IT strategy. He managed, supervised and rolled out a successful global Intranet, as well as developing Extranet, Campaign Management and Collaborative Knowledge Management systems for clients such as Intel, Philips and Peugeot.
As an entrepreneur, Taylor founded and ran a technology and communications company called ""Le Mac et La Plume"", in France where he designed and implemented database and marketing solutions for major advertising and marketing services agencies.
Mark maintains a regularly updated blog (http://marketingintersections.com/) and is a frequent speaker at key industry events such as ad:tech and the DMA in the US and in Europe. He is often consulted by the trade press as an industry expert.
Taylor attended the University of Sheffield in England, where he received a degree in Economics and Public/Business Administration. He lives in New Jersey with his wife Isabelle and two sons, Charles and William."